
  • Hello everyone! :) I encourage you to take the proposal of your companion to Greek Eleni: exchange contacts, try to get to know you and enjoy this beautiful experience :)
    In the meantime, I leave you with a starting point of discussion: in the whole of Europe (and the world) is in the process of awareness-raising with respect to the drama of climate change: every Friday, thousands of young people are on strike for the climate, following the example of Greta Thunberg, candidate for the nobel prize for peace.
    Many scholars relate the issues of climate change and migration: are the natural disasters, the drought, the uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources that create war, poverty and inequality, and forcing people to migrate. In today's world, they say, has no sense to keep distinct the concepts of "economic migrant", "migrant political" and "migrant climate". Do you agree with this statement?
    Hello everyone! :) I encourage you to take the proposal of your companion to Greek Eleni: exchange contacts, try to get to know you and enjoy this beautiful experience :)
    In the meantime, I leave you with a starting point of discussion: in the whole of Europe (and the world) is in the process...See more
    Apr 2 '19
    1 1
    AnastasiaM likes this
    Apr 4 '19
    Nowadys, one of the causes of human migration is the so-called climate change. Even in the case those who emigrate because of political persecution or economic migrants the deeper cause of their migration may be a climate change.That is mainly the reason why we must not distinguish the different groups of immigrants.At present, anyone migrating on environmental grounds is in danger of remaining without legal protection. Some states have tried to identify solutions, but they are isolated cases. Sweden and Finland, for example, provide recognition of asylum or humanitarian protection to those who can not return to their country because of natural disasters. In 2008, Italy's Interior Ministry decided to suspend repatriation measures for Bangladesh citizens who lived illegally in the country in response to the crisis following Cyclone Siddar.Nowadys, one of the causes of human migration is the so-called climate change. Even in the case those who emigrate because of political persecution or economic migrants the deeper cause of their migra...See more
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